Yolo County Basic Income Program (YOBI)

Helping Yolo's most vulnerable residents

What is YOBI?

Yolo County has launched an exciting Yolo Basic Income (YOBI) program to support some of the most vulnerable families in Yolo County. This unique pilot targets at-risk families with children under the age of 6. The pilot pairs stipends with case management through the CalWORKs program. The 24-month program will provide additional cash benefits to 54 families, increasing each family's total income to be $1 over the California Poverty Measure.

Why Yolo?

Yolo County has the (2017-2019) highest poverty rate in California (20.9%). With 216,000 residents.  Yolo has a very diverse mix of cities; representing urban, rural, suburban, and agricultural environments including the cities of Woodland, West Sacramento, Winters, Davis and other unincorporated areas. The YOBI Program is a great sample pilot for all the complex populations across the State of California and our county.

How we will measure success?

Program Evaluation - We are partnering with UC Davis to conduct evaluations. We will be conducting a full study over the 2-year period specifically focusing on housing stability, income, family health, family mental health and self-sufficiency. This evaluation will be conducted by trained peer review specialists with lived experience and culturally relevant materials. 

How is the program funded?

Because of our AMAZING donors, we were able to make this program happen. A huge "Thank You" to all of you! Funding Identified to Date:

  • County Cannabis Funding
  • Yolo HSP Funding
  • Sutter Health Foundation
  • OCAP Grant
  • Yolo First 5
  • Kelly, Stuart and Travis
  • Unidentified Fundraising

Would your organization like to donate to the YOBI program? Please email kara.perry@yolocounty.org to find out more. 

 “YOBI attempts to break the cycle of poverty in Yolo County by offering additional income to families, allowing them to thrive and strive for a better future.” - Board Chair, Supervisor Angel Barajas